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Does "synthetic" milk drastically change dairy production?

 Artificial milk has the taste, shape and texture of ordinary dairy milk, and has the same chemical composition, but it does not require animals and is produced using the "precision fermentation" technique that produces biomass cultured from cells.

Does "synthetic" milk drastically change dairy production?

More than 80% of the world's population regularly consumes dairy products, and demand for these products is expected to increase in the future, but in contrast there are growing calls from environmental activists to move beyond animal-based diets to more sustainable forms of food production.

Milk is described as having an ordinary milk taste, shape and texture, and has the same chemical composition, but does not require animals and is produced using the emerging biotechnology technique known as "precision fermentation", which produces biomass cultured from cells.

From the United States to Australia

"My latest research examined major trends in the global dairy sector, and plant dairy, and possibly industrial dairy, emerged as causing major disruption," says researcher Melina Bogović, a PhD student at Macquarie University on 29 August.

"Industrial" milk is already available in the United States. For example, Perfect Day provides plant-based protein that is then used to make "ice cream" (ice cream) and milk.

In Australia, the startup Eden Brew is developing "synthetic" milk, targeting consumers concerned about climate change, particularly the impact of cow methane.

The Australian Research Authority (CSIRO) has developed the largest constitutional body established by the Federal Government of Australia with more than 7 thousand employees, one third of whom are scientists - Eden Pro's product, and uses "precision fermentation" to produce proteins found in cow's milk.

In a statement on its website, the Board explains that these proteins give milk many of its basic properties, contribute to its creamy texture, and that researchers add minerals, sugars, fat and flavors to the protein to produce the finished product.

How does precision fermentation work?

Precision fermentation, a relatively new field of biotechnology, has emerged as one of the pioneers of additional protein sources that can support sustainable bioeconomic growth. Precision fermentation uses the same basic fermentation principles that have a long and safe history in the food industry.

Traditional fermentation processes depend on microbial cells (yeast and fungi) and anaerobic (oxygen-free) conditions to produce ingredients with unique flavor properties, such as yogurt, bread, cheese and alcoholic beverages.

Mushrooms are grown in large reservoirs, with sugar and other nutrients added to stimulate growth, harvested to produce alternative protein products, and fungi offer high levels of protein as well as fibre, vitamins and minerals.

Today, precision fermentation is used to synthesize compounds that may be expensive and/or complex to obtain from their natural sources, and depends on the reprogramming of microbes to produce specific and customized molecules that can be new food ingredients.

New products through precision fermentation technology can enhance consumer products by improving taste, texture or other functional aspects, to accommodate consumers' preferences and sustainability concerns.


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