Meta, the owner of Facebook, announced the launch of a new feature to support WhatsApp users, in an effort to provide continuous communication if its services are blocked or disabled.
The company said it "put power in the hands of the people" in case of Internet shutdowns, where the application allows the execution of the proxy service with access to Tabab through servers created by volunteers and organizations around the world.
Furthermore, WhatsApp encourages its users to help create Proxy servers in areas facing online scrutiny and blocking.
The company confirmed that it continues to protect communications through end-to-end encryption to ensure they remain secure and invisible to anyone between them.
The company has developed a link through which more information on how to obtain the new service can be found.
Whatsapp Company.. Foundation and Development
In Mountain View, California, in the United States, WhatsApp was founded in February 2009 by American Brian Acton and Ukrainian JanCom, who worked together for Yahoo.
WhatsApp is a name inspired by the English word "what's up" in the question of what's new between families and friends, a suggestion of the social nature of the app.
On 20 February 2014, Facebook announced its acquisition of WhatsApp in a deal worth $19 billion, seeking to boost its popularity, especially among the younger generation.
WhatsApp has become the world's most widely used messaging application, with an active user base of more than 2 billion active users per month, according to data published by ACN on electronic commerce and "media".
The number of users of the app increased by about half a billion worldwide compared to the number of users recorded 5 years ago, reaching 1.5 billion in 2017.
The "WhatsApp" is only outnumbered by the "Facebook" app and network, which is now used by nearly 3 billion active subscribers worldwide.
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