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Why are scientists unable to detect a cure for cancer?

Why are scientists unable to detect a cure for cancer?

It was initially an ordinary revelation, a fossilized leg bone of a kind of contemporary turtle ancestor named "Babukeliz Rosena," found in a remote area in southwestern Germany. The fossil is already rare, and the research team was pleased to get it, because it helped fill the evolutionary schedule of modern turtles, but one member of the team noticed something interesting: a clear distortion more like an uneven growth stretching along a bone.

This prompted the team (1) to make an accurate CT scan analysis of the fossil, and suddenly, this deformity was a type of bone transplant, one of the worst cancers, mainly targeting children and young people, often transmitting the injury to the lungs, but may also spread to the brain, organs or other bones. Clearly, we're talking here about a serial killer.

The cancer is simply older than the human itself, the homo sapiens appeared about 300 thousand years ago according to fossils we got from Mount Igood, Morocco, that may be a little longer, but we know that the entire human race is about 2.3-2.8 million years old, whereas that fossil is about 240 million years old, it's older than the dinosaurs themselves!

Siddhartha Mukerjee, an American Indian physician and Pulitzer Prize-winning writer, is called the Emperor of Tragedies, and indeed he is. Among humans, cancer is one of the underlying causes of death around the world, and when we talk about the probability of cancer, for example in the United States, a well-thought-out and expressive model of almost all the world, there is a (2) approximately 40% chance that someone will develop cancer during their entire lifespan! Read back, the proportion is literally what's written (roughly one in two), and there's even a 20% chance that someone will die of cancer, which means 1 in 5 people.

In 1971, the United States of America declared the official war on cancer with the signature of President Nixon, which has happened all over the world over the past decades, cancer has become a major target in the fields of medical scientific research, with its two applied types. (i.e. direct looking for a cure) and basic (i.e. looking at the biological nature of cancer) tens of billions of dollars went to this range, and many Nobel Prizes went to those who spilled this murderous emperor's wings, but nevertheless, we haven't got rid of it yet.

One disease!

Why are scientists unable to detect a cure for cancer?

Perhaps one day the question came to your mind; Why don't we get rid of cancer and end? We got rid of fatal injuries like the plague, we faced deadly viruses like measles and polio, and now we regulate the lives of people with high blood pressure, diabetes and even AIDS excellent, so why spend so much time with a disease of such ferocity and we don't get a cure? Can there be some conspiracy?!

Well, to answer that question, we need to start with the definition of cancer, being popular with that name. "Cancer" deludes people as a single disease, which means that a human cell acquires the ability to continuously grow without cessation, causing swelling somewhere in the body that, in turn, causes continuous damage to its surroundings from the body's organs, and this is where domino tragedies begin to emerge successively, but the fact is that cancer is not a single disease in the understandable sense.

As we have said, cancer starts from a cell, and the human body has about 200 types of cells, which makes us stand up to 200 types of cancer, which means exactly that cancer is not one disease, but 200 different diseases. (of which more than 100 are already known) (3), each requiring a different form of scientific research, diagnosis, treatment and pharmacological treatment, In fact, if you decide to put aside the horrific proportion that we just talked about and started looking for the risks of a specific cancer, you would find that the percentage is small. for example, 3.86% for colon cancer, 0.69% for brain cancer and 0.8% for pharyngeal cancer, but real dismay emerges when you put these tiny proportions together.

Gene Games

Why are scientists unable to detect a cure for cancer?

The causes of cancer are varied (4), but in total they are divided into two main lists, the first comprising environmental causes, for example now we know that smoking is one of the main causes of cancer, as well as exposure to UV radiation, ionizing radiation and carcinogenic chemicals such as asbestos, tobacco smoke ingredients, platoxin (nutritional contaminant) and arsenic (contaminant to drinking water), in contrast.

We don't mean here that disease is only a hereditary disease. (This is true in only about 5% of the causes of cancer), but we talk more deeply about the nature of genetic material, And here let's learn a little bit about what that substance means, imagine that it's a huge book with instructions to build millions of things that are in the nuclei of all your body cells. Such as instructions to build qualities that you inherit from your father and mother, such as the color of your hair, the length of your bones and the curvature of your nose and micro-protein building instructions in your body cells, which lead all functions from food collection and use to output as well as the instructions of cell division, the cells of the body divide over time to replace the cells that die.

Now let's say you're working as a copier in a company, and you're required to copy one of the parts of the British encyclopedia from paper to the WordPress file, of course possible, but there's a very high probability. (It's almost certain) that you'll accidentally copy one of the letters (called the mutation), maybe you'll pass it on. "T" instead of "G", or delete it completely or add a new letter from you by mistake, that's what happens when cells divide, the DNA may be transmitted erroneously in one of its chemical letters, and that happens every day millions of times, but the vast majority of these errors are usually unaffected, but they become influential when they release the cell's ability to grow without a mechanism to stop themselves.

From that point of view, cancer is only a possibility that increases the longer you live. carcinogens accelerate the occurrence of these mutations, but the likelihood of them occurring without interference is, Worse still, these mutations create cells with different typologies. There are 200 types of cancer, but even within the same type of cancer there are opportunities for tremendous diversity because of countless ways in which cancer injuries can occur. Because mutations may occur differently in a patient than in another patient, it means that each case of cancer (Everyone is sick) has specificity compared to others, which is precisely why cancer drugs do not work for all patients.

Another reason why drugs don't work easily is that even within the person himself cancer cells themselves are not similar, say someone has testicular cancer. If we get this tumor cells and decide to study their DNA, we will find that they differ from each other in part of their genetic composition, Because as cancer grows, additional mutations occur, providing another reason for complicating treatment opportunities.

For this reason, cancer sometimes develops the ability to resist (5) treatments used Because as cancer cells grow and mutations persist, some of them are unresponsive to treatment because they differ from their cell neighbors. These cells continue to divide regardless of the use of medicines, At some point, the whole tumor is represented, so cancer treatment is now an integral work. It involves several mechanisms and overlaps together so as to prevent chances of resistance.

King of Resistance

Worst of all, it's a piece of information that we've been exposed to from the very moment we knew about cancer in books and curricula. cancer cells, which are simply normal human cells, are not much different from their surroundings from cells When an injury is detected for the first time, the number of cancer cells usually exceeds the trillion barrier, and this is where doctors start using drugs, such as chemotherapy.
Why are scientists unable to detect a cure for cancer?

On that point let's consider a myth that spread several years ago in the Arab world, she says that there is a vitamin called "B17" that can cure cancer. Proponents of that myth say that cancer is made by pharmaceutical companies to drive desperate patients to buy medicines from them, while real cancer is a simple disease that amygdalin (6) (B17) can treat, and this vitamin is found in a number of famous seeds such as peaches.

Once that myth had spread, many cancer patients were quick to leave their medicines and treatment programs and start swallowing as many seeds as possible containing that substance. But no one remembered telling them that one of the products of amygdalin digestion in the stomach was mandelontrite, which in turn converted after digestion into several chemicals, including toxic hydrogen cyanide, when taken in large quantities.

However, this myth has scientific roots, with a group of Russian scientists trying, some three quarters of a century ago, to treat some cases of cancer using this substance, but it was killing cancer cells at rates close to killing normal cells, and so all they do is kill the patient over time, not cure it, although they are already getting rid of cancer.

This leads us to compare what it takes to treat a bacterial injury, for example, with cancer. Bacterial cells differ in many things from human cells, so you can create an effective substance that targets a specific enzyme or protein in the wall of the bacteria's cells and kills them without being exposed to human cells that do not contain these ingredients. Over several decades, scientists have tried very hard to expand the window between damage to natural cells and their cancer counterpart, slowly and persistently, being originally only genetic-level differences, varying from cancer to cancer, but succeeding in some attempts and failing in others.

is not a death sentence

Why are scientists unable to detect a cure for cancer?

Because of all this complexity, many cancer problems are still not understood. In many cancers, for example, we don't yet know why the cancer "Metastasis" (7) or migration from one organ to another decides, and when this happens, the chances of the patient surviving become weak, we don't know how some cancers develop, we don't know fully how cancer grows and differentiates and uses body tools to feed itself.

However, it is not as dark as you might imagine, the problem is that the death of a TV star or an intellectual with cancer is the news that usually spreads in the media. But besides these cases, millions more have been saved from cancer, Cancer recovery rates have improved significantly over the past few decades. Total cancers have had a survival rate of 67% of people diagnosed with the disease in many countries, and in cancers like "Breast", "prostate" and "thyroid" have crossed the 90% barrier in some developed countries.

So cancer is no longer a death sentence as people once thought, we just need a little patience. Day by day new methods of treatment emerge, some target immunity, others target the cancer environment, some target prevention. Cancer will not go away, but we will learn how to adapt to it, as we have done in more than 300,000 years with every problem that has befallen us.


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