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Slow travel. How do you enjoy your 2023 holiday in a completely different way?

 Slow travel. How do you enjoy your 2023 holiday in a completely different way?

Tourism and travel have recently become another way to keep up with common trends or "trends," and to take impressive photos that bring more followers. While planning vacations, some no longer only think about the places he himself would like to visit, as much as he monitors others' experiences on social media and thinks of all those wonderful places they go to.

In the meantime, we seem to be trapped by a deluge of specialized travel and tourism networking accounts, which post no more than minutes of "Floggs" clips in which influencers navigate between various great tourist destinations. You jump in front of you with photos and leaflets telling you that you can travel to 10 places in seven days, and that there are 100 tourist destinations you shouldn't miss.

This all makes us feel that we are in a race to go as many destinations as possible in the least possible time, and creates hunger for more experiences in us, pushing us to jump like rabbits from one destination to another and from one experience to the next, planning vacations stuffed with experiences, destinations and milestones rather than focusing our times and budgets on what we really enjoy. Therefore, perhaps it is time to rethink the way we travel from a different standpoint that gives us a greater opportunity to relax and deepen the travel experience, through "slow travel."

from eating to traveling. credit for being cautious and slow

In the 1980s, specifically in 1986, the fast food chain McDonald's opened a new branch in Piazza di Spagna, or Spanish terraces, one of the most popular sights in Rome, Italy.

Carlo Petrini did not satisfy the Italian sociologist and activist with what was happening, and published a statement announcing the start of the slow food movement as a reaction to fast food that has been permeating food cultures from one state to another, leaving their negative impact on local food and cooking cultures and turning them into a similar and unified "dirty".

The statement provoked interest around the world and quickly led to the formation of a global movement and organization supported by more than 100,000 members, which has evolved over time into sub-ideas in other scales such as slow life, slow design and slow travel.1 Hence the term slow tourism, a travel approach that offers different possibilities and ways to support sustainable tourism and low-carbon tourism, depends on reducing mobility using the plane and car, and relying more on bicycles or walking. It also relies on communicating with local people and cultures and eating local people's food, with an interest in preserving the environment.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, global tourism had recorded a record high of 671 million international tourists. Despite the positive effects of tourism's vogue, it has a negative aspect that cannot be ignored. In a Journal of Sustainable Tourism study, researchers focused on the potential for slow travel in the face of climate change challenges, such as the transition at the time of publication of the study between 50-97.5% of the amount of thermal emission of most tourists. The concept of slow travel arising at that time was a reaction to high-carbon travel practices, so that slow travel would become an integral part of the tourism experience and not merely a difference in transport 

The negative impact of tourism on not only the growing carbon footprint, but also other environmental impacts of no less importance, for example, the Philippine Government was forced to temporarily close the Burakai tourist area in 2018 to tourists, having transformed from a picturesque island into a sewage sink and tourist residues, affecting its aquatic life.

All these monuments and others have led to the embrace of a new way of tourism, while embracing greater responsibility towards the environment and communities, opening up another horizon for individual enjoyment, self-exploration and the world. Here are a range of slow travel mechanisms that will help you enjoy this exciting experience.

take the shortest pathways possible

Off the Beaten Path or The Road Less Traveled is one of the terminology associated with slow travel, adapted from the verses of American poet Robert Frost, which means choosing unusual areas and different routes other than the familiar, crowded routes of tourists, and is largely associated with the search for local avoidance gems.

We advise you to stay away from peak tourist seasons, so you will be able to avoid crowds, as well as get cheaper accommodation and transfers. You will also be able to explore your destination slowly and quietly away from the crowds and crowds of tourists.

Slow travel. How do you enjoy your 2023 holiday in a completely different way?

No one can see everything.

Many tourists fall into the sin of trying to see and discover everything, finding lists like "places you don't miss if you go to a state like that" containing dozens of places where it is impossible for an ordinary human to visit all on short vacation.

Come take the Louvre as an example, one of the most famous and important museums in the world, with an area of about 13 square km, and its complex map makes you wonder will you be able to visit all these halls? Seeing more than 1 million pieces of art and history in one day? Or even several days? Here you will have to choose between jumping from hall to hall and planning your visit so that you can view as much pieces as possible and take dozens of photos, or choose pieces that actually matter to you, look at each piece, and hope for the meanings inherent in it.

You can gasp from one hall to another, or you can settle for a few paintings, and even if you radicalize in the opposite direction, you can visit the painting itself for several days and spend hours without enough. What about the pictures? Photos are already on search sites, and believe me if you're not an exceptional professional artist, the photo you take in the Louvre was taken by thousands of you.

Choose what matters to you, and build your own prioritized list. If you don't enjoy art, and you like to venture into open spaces, why spend hours in a museum and see paintings you won't be able to communicate with instead of climbing a mountain for example. The opposite is also true. Think about what your heart really desires, are you a fan of architecture, nature, art and history? What are your priorities?

Allow coincidence to guide you.

Slow travel. How do you enjoy your 2023 holiday in a completely different way?

While preparation is essential, planning every detail of your trip will prevent you from many chance encounters that could present you with priceless possibilities. Leave room for a little randomness, vacant space for coincidence, and unscheduled excursions when your feet and intuition take you into the uncharted and his adventure. You might choose to forgo visiting the typical tourist attractions in favor of other activities, such as experiencing local life and exploring side alleys outside of the city center.

Know People Treasure

Speaking of side streets instead of renting a car, walking and using public transport will enable you to better identify the country, as well as get a chance to contact the local population. It is said that "the people of Mecca know its popularity", and so in every city, far from popular tourist destinations knows the city's people the best and cheapest places, restaurants and shops, among whom you can explore the city in the best possible ways.

Not only that, in movies we often watch heroes change their lives after having an inspiring conversation with a passing person on the way. Maybe we wonder why we don't meet such inspirational people, and why our lives don't change. You may not be able to receive inspiration if the tourists you're talking to are hasty tourists or tour guide. But what about urban dwellers with different cultures? Shopkeepers and old people who sit on cafes, those who belong to land that is not your land and time, can't you open your heart and talk anxiously to inspire something from them?

Speaking with people you might not see again gives you a secret joy. Even if the talk might not completely upend your life as in movies, if you let your soul fully open up, it might present an opportunity to learn something new about yourself or the outside world.

require neither more time nor money.

Some might say I can't travel slowly, my vacation is only 7 days. Slow travel does not mean long travel, it is not related to the time frame as much as the way you travel and your way of thinking. So slow travel brings us back to the real and root causes of travel, why move from one place to another? And what are we looking for? Are we looking for more images of our social media accounts, are we looking for relaxation, are we learning about more cultures and history, or are we willing to dig in and communicate with ourselves?

With regard to the budget, I preach. There are many ways to reduce your travel budget, you can try working while traveling, you can work in one of the farms or small hotels for accommodation, which is what many places offer, especially if you decide to settle in one place for long enough. Also, instead of searching for luxury hotels, you can choose shared homes, live with a local resident or search for shared accommodation and cheap local hotels.

If you don't often get the chance to travel outside of your city, you may still use these ideas there. Rather than meeting up with your pals in the same spots behind glass, take a tour of the city to discover its hidden corners and strange streets. Look to quaint coffee shops, the tree you pass on your way to work every day without noticing it, people, and stones for the answers. Keep in mind that slow travel is not simply a mode of transportation but also a different way of looking at things, as well as a way of thinking and living.


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